日本語 English 中文 한국어 Español Português2017
This site was made especially for the 43rd Takasaki Festival.
Let’s share all of our wonderful memories from the festival on Instagram, facebook, and Twitter using the hashtag, #takasakifestival ♪
Let’s enjoy the festival!
Why don’t you share your arrival at the festival using an Instagram frame?
Outside the Takasaki Station ticket gates on the days of the festival you will be able to wear a festival happi coat and take pictures using an Instagram frame!
Dates and times: August 5 (Sat), 2017 15:00 – 17:00 / August 6 (Sun) 15:00 – 17:00
Like the takasakifestivalenglish facebook page and check out what’s happening at the festival!♪